Knowledge of Tourism, Recreation, Leisure and the Panacea to Active Pursuits among Security Personnel in North West, Nigeria

Professor Suleiman Abubakar Garba, Dr. Abdulsalam Abdullahi and Rabi Muhammad Yahaya
Volume 29, December, 2023 view(s)89 view(s)


This study investigated the Security Personnel's knowledge of tourism and leisure and whether the security personnel in North Western Nigeria have time for their family members, time for recreational and leisure pursuit or even time for tourism. A survey research design was used to collect data using purposive sampling technique and Likert type scale questionnaire was used. A total number of 2,560 copies of questionnaire were given out and 1893 were completed and returned. Four hypotheses were developed and Pearson's correlation (r) was used to analyze the data at 0.05 level of significance, and the results shows significant relationship of all varibles, hence the null hypotheses were rejected. At the end it was suggested that Government should from time to time organize recreation and leisure programmes for security personnel and make participation mandatory; Government should introduce tourism to the security personnel's periodical scheme of duty; there should be training and retraining of security personnel on recreation, leisure and tourism education.


Professor Suleiman Abubakar Garba, Dr. Abdulsalam Abdullahi and Rabi Muhammad Yahaya. Knowledge of Tourism, Recreation, Leisure and the Panacea to Active Pursuits among Security Personnel in North West, Nigeria. Africa Journal of Educational Research, 29, 48-55.

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